Liste des pages :
- 04 January 2012 ACTA signed by the Member States of the European Union
- 20 December 2011 ACTA : April writes to the ITRE and JURI committees of the European Parliament
- 24 November 2011 Unitary Patent: vote by European Parliament ITRE Committee
- 22 November 2011 Unitary Patent: the debate will go on in secret
- 15 November 2011 François Fillon calls for a widespread use of open format in the public administration
- 05 October 2011 Unitary patent and software patents: a case study
- 25 September 2011 France - Bundled sales of computers with software: when will there be action?
- 14 September 2011 Unitary patent : join us against software patents
- 23 May 2011 Civil Society Statement to the e-G8 and G8
- 15 April 2011 Microsoft/European Commission negotiate the purchase of licenses: Do as I say, not as I do