Liste des pages :
- 03 September 2012 General mobilisation against the return of software patents in Europe
- 21 July 2012 The European Economic and Social Council, favouring a reform of copyright and patents, is concerned about the unitary patent
- 11 July 2012 Unitary Patent: European Parliament reinstall a democratic procedure. Let's take a part in this!
- 10 July 2012 A New Debate on the Unitary Patent: let's make it relevant!
- 25 June 2012 A Free Call for a Europe Free of Software Patents
- 20 June 2012 INTA Committee Must Reject ACTA
- 18 May 2012 Stop software patents now
- 09 May 2012 The questionnaire from April's for the 2012 French presidential election
- 20 April 2012 French presidential elections 2012 and Free Software : some answers, some non-answers, some don't answer.
- 23 February 2012 Free Software in the 2012 presidential campaign plans