Position on the Law on Confidence in the Digital Economy (LCEN)
Submitted by mchauvet on 27 March, 2009 - 16:28
The French Law on Confidence in the Digital Economy ["Loi sur la confiance dans l'Economie Numérique" or LCEN] contains, after its passage in second reading in the Senate, measures tending to make the hosts of contents the censors of the "manifestly illicit" contents. April thinks that these measures could be used abusively to prevent the spread of a free software competing with a proprietary software. For April, only a judge should decide on the lawfulness of a content.
- Page of the ODEBI league on the LCEN:http://www.odebi.org/deputes/0justice.html
- IRIS file on the LCEN: http://www.iris.sgdg.org/actions/len/
- Article by “Temps Nouveaux”on the LCEN: http://temps-nouveaux.net/article.php3?id_article=23
- LCEN file on the site of the Senate: http://www.senat.fr/dossierleg/pjl02-195.html
- LCEN file on the site of the National Assembly: http://www.assemblee-nat.fr/12/dossiers/economie_numerique.asp