Extrait de l'article du site heise online par en date du 22 janvier 2008 :
« Shortly after switching all of its 13,000 public internet information workstations from Windows NT to Linux, the Federal Employment Office (BA) issued an interim report. According to an announcement by Klaus Vitt, CIO for the BA, the switch to open source [6] software will, 'allow the BA to react with flexibility to new technological developments. In the future, a broad range of software will be available to the BA that it can use to access various internet media, and to ensure optimal internet communication for its clients.'
The BA is using the OpenSuse 10.1 Remastered distribution and the latest version of the Firefox web browser. The software was installed on the server as a repository and the clients can access it via PXE Boot. The BA told heise online that the switch, concluded at the end of last year, lasted some nine months including planning and did not involve any external service providers – it carried no additional costs.
The BA explained that the migration was necessary because, 'The previous combination of Windows NT and Internet Explorer could no longer keep pace with technological developments in how current media content is displayed and was not up to the demands of modern hardware.' In making the switch, the decision for Linux was based on cost and security considerations. On the one hand, implementing Linux carried no licencing costs, on the other hand migrating the clients enabled standardised automation and maintenance procedures, since the BA servers also run Linux. Another plus are the flexible configuration possibilities with Linux.
Because the self-service information workstations are freely accessible, the security requirements are especially high. In that respect, it is an added benefit that only a small number of viruses affect Linux systems. All unnecessary software was removed from computers at the internet centres. In addition, the BA has implemented its own security solutions on the systems. (anw/c't) / (jk/c't) »
Lien vers l'article original : http://www.heise.de/english/newsticker/news/102218 [7]
Cette revue de presse sur Internet fait partie du travail de veille mené par l'April dans le cadre de son action de défense et de promotion du logiciel libre [8]. Les positions exposées dans les articles sont celles de leurs auteurs et ne rejoignent pas forcément celles de l'April [9].
Les articles de presse utilisent souvent le terme « Open Source » au lieu de Logiciel Libre. Le terme Logiciel Libre étant plus précis et renforçant l'importance des libertés [10], il est utilisé par l'April dans sa communication et ses actions. Cependant, dans la revue de presse nous avons choisi de ne pas modifier les termes employés par l'auteur de l'article original. Même chose concernant l'emploi du terme « Linux » qui est généralement utilisé dans les articles pour parler du système d'exploitation libre GNU/Linux.