April is a distinguished partner of the Digital CrossRoads

Testimony for April's 10th birthday in 2006.

Since 1998, the "Cité des sciences et de l'industrie" and April build a long-term partnership that is illustrated by the animation of periodic events:

— Thomas Séchet_,

ICT project coordinator at the Cité des sciences et de l'industrie's Digital Crossroad's (september 2006).

April showed much interest in our dialogue process

Testimony for April's 10th birthday in 2006.

As soon as the Internet Rights Forum was created, April showed much interest in our dialogue process and felt compelled to present its ideas within this forum.

— Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin

, president of the Internet Rights Forum (september 2006).

April has always been there at our side

Testimony for April's 10th birthday in 2006.

During the creation of Linux Expo in 1999, April has been capable of providing an efficient support for the exhibition. Since then, April has always been capable of assisting us by taking into account our obligations as organizers, while maintaining their own line of conduct.

— Sacha Dunas_

, Founder of "Linux Expo", President of the "Solutions Linux" program committee, Executive Director of World Events Agency (september 2006).

April contributes to improve the propagation and appropriation of "Free uses" of the digital environment

Testimony for April's 10th birthday in 2006.

Since the creation in 2004 of the Cyber-base network - which is a network to develop and to enliven digital centres - April has been our partner on all the questions related to Free Software. Thanks to its resources and its interventions on the www.cyber-base.org portal, April provides a genuine support to the community of over 1000 animators, whose main mission is to train all kinds of publics to the tools and uses of the Internet. April contributes to improve the propagation and appropriation of "Free uses" of the digital environment.

— Isadora Verderesi_

, Cyber-base's network & portal (november 2006).

April has been over the years an interlocutor that has managed to remain independent, rigorous, reliable and available

Jerome Relinger's photo Testimony for April's 10th birthday in 2006.

The recent parliamentary debates over the LCEN bill, the DADVSI bill or the software patents, have illustrated both the citizens' availability when it comes to involvement in technical topics that are rightfully seen as highly political issues, and the need for democratization and transmission of stakes, sometimes hidden behind complex technical subjects. April has been contributing to such democratization thanks to its constant implication.

— Jérôme Relinger_,
ICT delegate French Communist Party (september 2006).

April is a key player in France when it comes to the information and knowledge society

Christian Paul's photo Testimony for April's 10th birthday in 2006.

April is a key player in France when it comes to the information and knowledge society. In numerous occasions, I have had the opportunity to appreciate April's actions towards the general public, during such events as the Libre Software Meeting, but also towards many officials, of all sides. With belief and tenacity, April provides a most useful insight as to what is best for the general public, amidst the political stakes of the digital civilization.

— Christian Paul_
, one of Nièvre's representatives at the National Assembly (Socialist Party) (october 2006).

I know that April shall be alongside the members of the parliament and the citizens in the coming years

Testimony for April's 10th birthday in 2006.Richard Cazenave's photo

Beyond usual political divisions, debates on the DADVSI bill have been the opportunity of getting many members of the parliament together around a common idea: Free Software is an opportunity and a major asset for our country and it must be protected. On this issue, the groundwork April has made amongst MPs from all political sides contributed filling a gap in our representatives' knowledge of software law, and allowed for the fundamental issues of interoperability, open standards and Free Software to be discussed within the parliament.

— Richard Cazenave_
, Member of the French National Assembly (UMP, Isère district) (october 2006).

Let's help April carry on and amplify this movement here and within Europe

photo de Bruno Cornec

Although knowing April since its beginning, only recently did I decide to join personally. The Free Software sector is increasingly concerned by the legislative and legal context. This imposes us as a community to structure in order to allow April's permanent employees to devote their time to promoting the unique and historical Free Software movement. Backed by a large number of members, April will be stronger to represent us, users, developers, supporters of the community, especially among political authorities.

— Bruno Cornec
, in charge of "EMOA Profession - Open Source and Linux" at HP.

A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace

Governments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from Cyberspace, the new home of Mind. On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone. You are not welcome among us. You have no sovereignty where we gather.

The role of the April is essential

The role of the April is essential: front rank community thanks to its member diversity and number, it acts as a driving force and federates numerous others associations in the Free-related world. Exemplary in its management, its full-time employees' competencies, its professionalism when dealing with subjects, often at the cutting edge of the issues, are making the April a first-rate candidate in front of public authorities, media and companies. Major actor in defending citizens' digital liberties, it is also an essential watchdog in daily fights in the "Free Software battle".

— The team of http://www.framasoft.net
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