April was one of the first to show all the benefits of Free Software

There are so many reasons that have led us to conclude that our "Lutece d'Or" had to be awarded to April: I could mention its involvement towards a free digital economy, whether in the Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie or in the digital technology festival, but also its contribution to the democratic debate, especially regarding national and local elections, the work of the Forum of the Rights on the Internet or in the debate regarding copyright, I could also mention its support to the consumers' right to have real choices ... But the reasons I chose are a little older, they concern April's contribution towards a quality e-government. April was one of the first to show all the benefits of Free Software, its members have been proponents of interoperability, they have provided legal support in explaining Free licenses and have been a spur for the government to develop information systems that are open to all. Thank you to April's leaders, and thank you also to its 2.500 members.